Protest the sex-ed madness on February 24, 11:00am - 2:00pm at Queen's Park!

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Protest the sex-ed madness on February 24, 11:00am - 2:00pm at Queen's Park!

Post by Corwin » Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:22 pm

Онтарийское правительство продолжает принимать законы, подрываюшие основы человеческой морали и направленные на разложение наших детей.
В добавок к тому , что начиная с нового учебного года в 2015, детям с 7 лет начнут внушать со второго класса, что всякие сексуальные утехи это полезно, начиная с онанизма и заканчивая педерастией и прочими нездоровыми утехами, вот что было принято на этой неделе, чтобы уже совсем подорвать устои и ценности традиционнной семьи:

Ontario school board aims to eliminate non-inclusive terms—like ‘husband and wife,’ ‘mother and father’

BELLEVILLE, Ontario, February 2, 2015 ( -- A poster campaign by an Ontario public school board advises its 15,000-or-so students that it is not appropriate for them to use words such as mother and father, husband and wife, or even Mr. and Mrs.

Instead, the Hastings & Prince Edward District School Board located in Belleville, Ontario, says that students should say "parents/guardians," "partner or spouse," and call adults by their first names rather than say "Mrs. Smith."

The posters put up in the board's schools run the gamut of politically correct speech, from "gender inclusive language" to "sexual orientation and sexual identity inclusive language," with the admonitions that "inclusive language uses terms that include a range of possibilities in relationships and families," and "language that depicts all relationships as heterosexual denies the complexity of human relationships."

The series of posters also includes inclusive language suggestions for more universally applicable subjects such as disability, economic status, race, and faith.

The poster on gender tells students to avoid all use of the word "man" in conjunction with other descriptors, so they are enjoined to say human beings or people instead of mankind, while chairman, policeman and "manning the display booth" are also forbidden, apparently even if the person referred to is a man.

Under a rainbow marker, the sexual orientation poster offers the definition of "gender identity" as being an "internal sense or feeling of being male or female" that may be at odds with a person's actual sex as determined by their chromosomes.

A request by LifeSiteNews to Kerry Donnell, the board's communications officer, for a comment on how the poster campaign has been received by parents with children in the board's schools was not responded to by press time.

However, the board is currently soliciting community members in Hastings County and Prince Edward County to take its 2015 Public Survey to collect input for its next 5-year plan.

“We’re looking for input from everyone,” said Director of Education Mandy Savery-Whiteway. “As the local public school board, we want to hear from community members, students, employees and families as we review our goals and priorities for the coming years.”

The electronic survey will be live only until February 8, 2015, so the opportunity to comment on this poster campaign or any other concerns about the education provided in the board's schools is limited. ... usband-and

По этому поводу проводистя акция протеста тех людей, коме не насрать на то, что мы оставим после себя своим детям и потомкам:

Protest the sex-ed madness on February 24, 11:00am - 2:00pm at Queen's Park!

What kind of province do we live in? Some kindergarten children in Ontario are learning about homosexuality and cross-dressing. In Toronto, a company run by the transgender spouse of a school board employee is pushing transgender-themed books into kindergarten classrooms. There are also stories of at least one kindergarten teacher taking his class to the gay pride flag raising in Toronto.

Meanwhile, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), the leading school of educational thought in our country, has published a document suggesting that children as young as two years old should be exposed to LGBTQ families. OISE is also the school at which Benjamin Levin, the former Deputy Education Minister who helped craft the sex-ed curriculum, taught. Levin pleaded guilty two weeks ago to some of the seven child pornography offences for which he was charged.

More recently, two thirteen-year-old girls have convinced the Ontario Premier that children in grade one should be taught about consenting to sex. You read that correctly -- in a land where the legal age of consent is 16, two 13-year-olds convinced the Premier that 6-year-old children need to learn about consenting to sex.

“Teaching six-year-old children to consent to sex is abhorrent,” Canadian Christian College President Charles McVety told Toronto Sun writer Joe Warmington. “We abhor the premier announcing that Ontario’s teachers will be forced to teach little children how to give permission for that child to engage in sex.”

What of Ontario's opposition party? Are they on board with teaching 6-year-olds about consenting to sex? A month ago, Ontario PC education critic Garfield Dunlop, a former social conservative, capitulated and announced that he supported Kathleen Wynne's sex-ed changes. Ontario PC leadership candidates Monte McNaughton and Patrick Brown both publicly stated that they disagreed with Dunlop's position.

It will be interesting to see if the recent developments will be enough to change Dunlop's mind, or to convince others within the PC Party to join Monte McNaughton and Patrick Brown in condemning Kathleen Wynne's radical agenda.

But we can't count on the PCs to represent our interests. We have to tell Kathleen ourselves that we're pissed off at what's going on. There will be a rally at Queen's Park on February 24 to protest the new sex-ed curriculum. We won't change Kathleen's mind, but if we show poorly it will only embolden the Premier to make further changes to the curriculum and give her the idea that she can push it through with impunity.

Let's show up in large numbers. Make sure Kathleen knows that she is going to pay the price at the polls in 2018 for ramming this curriculum through. If nothing else, let's at least make sure the PC Party knows that we won't support an opposition party that won't oppose the government.
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Protest the sex-ed madness on February 24, 11:00am - 2:00pm at Queen's Park!

Post by дворник рязанский » Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:27 pm

Кстати, Корвин, продолжение то у этой истории есть?

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Protest the sex-ed madness on February 24, 11:00am - 2:00pm at Queen's Park!

Post by дворник рязанский » Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:14 pm

ну, вот обязательное сексуальное образование добралось и до Квебека. Суки! ... t-project/
(радует, что пока еще не повсеместно.)

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